The Humpday Hustle is an annual 3 week MTB race series organized by Santos Bike Shop.
Races are held on Wednesday evenings from 5:30pm onwards in May/June with prizes for both weekly races and the championship winners.
The aim of the series is to organize high quality, fun and accessible MTB racing to our local community for all ages and experiences. We aim to provide a category to suit everyone and we even have a free kids pre-race!
The races are held at Santos Bike Shop 8924 S. Hwy 441, Ocala, FL 34480. You will need to register to take part which you can do online or on the day. We recommend you sign up online as registering on the day can take some time and there may be a long line to wait in. Plus online sign up is less expensive for you!
There are two events happening each Wednesday, the free YOUTH race which starts at 5:30pm and the MAIN race (including the Junior Categories) which starts at 6:30pm. A detailed explanation of the categories are listed below for you to chose from. Please show up no later than 30mins before the start of your race to allow time for registration where you will be given your race number. If you have signed up online, you will still need to collect your race number which will be waiting for you! If you have signed up for all five weeks of racing, please keep your race number and use it every week but please still check-in at registration EVERY WEEK so that we know who’s racing. If you fail to check-in at registration, your race may not be valid and any points gained may not contribute towards the Championship. Points will be given to the top ten finishers in every category, 10 for first, 9 for second…1 for 10th. At the end of 5 weeks, the top three riders in each category with the most points will be awarded 1st, 2nd and 3rd in the Championship!
We are excited to be partnering up with New Belgium Brewing Company and local restaurant, Mojo’s Grill who will be providing the afterparty. After every Wednesday race, each racer receives one free beer from New Belgium and special pricing on meals are available at Mojo’s! We will also be hosting the championship award ceremony on week 5 at Mojo’s restaurant.